收益模式 / Earning Model
RIDECHAIN 提供創新的收益模式,讓用戶參與其中並實現收益:
RIDECHAIN offers an innovative earning model enabling users to participate and generate income:
參與方式 / Participation Methods:用戶可以通過購買 RIDECHAIN 代幣並參加平臺提供的各種活動,包括支付、投資和合作項目。
Users can purchase RIDECHAIN tokens and engage in various platform activities, including payments, investments, and collaborative projects.
收益來源 / Revenue Streams:
持幣收益 / Holding Rewards:用戶持有 RIDECHAIN 代幣可根據平臺分紅政策獲得分紅。
Users holding RIDECHAIN tokens earn dividends based on the platform’s reward policy.
參與活動收益 / Activity Participation Rewards:用戶參與支付應用或經濟活動,根據參與貢獻獲得回報。
Rewards based on contributions in payment applications or economic activities.
推薦收益 / Referral Rewards:邀請其他用戶加入並參與項目,根據推薦數量和貢獻比例獲得額外收益。
Additional rewards for inviting others to join and contribute to the project.
分紅週期 / Dividend Cycle:平臺根據智能合約設定固定的分紅週期,確保透明和準確的收益分配。
Dividend cycles are fixed via smart contracts, ensuring transparent and accurate reward distribution.
Last updated